Transparency and Transition

Transparency and Transition

Transparency and Transition

At Luminys Systems Corp. (Luminys), our commitment is to maintain transparency with our stakeholders. We are in the midst of an important period of transition for our company, and in this blog post we hope to provide information about where we are today and where we will be going in the coming months and years.

As many readers are aware, in January 2024, Foxlink, the parent company of Luminys, announced its acquisition of Dahua Technology USA. In May, we announced the completion of the transition of Dahua USA, which now operates in this market as a wholly integrated part of Luminys.

Since that time, we have been squarely focused on two priorities: (1) serving the immediate needs of our current customers and (2) preparing for a future in which all Luminys products will be manufactured by Foxlink and its affiliates, rather than by Dahua.

Serving Existing Customers

We are delivering on that first priority by ensuring the seamless delivery of the high-quality products, solutions, and customer support that customers expect of us. To ensure uninterrupted customer support, we are continuing to sell devices manufactured by Dahua during the transition period. These are products that have been previously authorized by the FCC and which have been a market mainstay for years. Our aim is to ensure customers have access to the products they need and to maintain and serve those customers without interruption.

In the weeks and months ahead, we will be selling down remaining inventory, while ensuring seamless customer support. The highly experienced team from Dahua USA that joined our company is the key to our commitment to customer support.  With decades of experience working with customers, distributors, and dealers across the country, our team is making sure that we are meeting the needs of existing customers even as we begin to operate as a new company. As part of our commitment to maintaining our high standard for customer service, Luminys is also honoring warranties and service agreements made by Dahua USA.

Luminys is aware that Dahua USA is subject to certain restrictions under US law and regulation, and we are committed to rigorous compliance. For the relatively short period of time during which we expect to continue to market products manufactured by Dahua, we will be transparent with our customers and business partners about that fact, and we will go-to-market in adherence to the restrictions that are in place. This includes our commitment to market those products under the Dahua brand, rather than Luminys. This is an intentional choice meant to mitigate the risk of customers inadvertently purchasing a product without accurately understanding its provenance.

At Luminys, we are committed to meeting the needs of our customers both today and tomorrow. To that end, our aim is to become a leading provider of security and smart building solutions that will include security cameras and systems, as well as an array of other technologies that will deliver ever greater value for our enterprise and residential customers.

We have announced that by the end of next year, our entire product range will be sourced from Foxlink. In other words, by the end of 2025, it is our expectation that no Luminys products sold in the United States will be sourced in any way from Dahua or any other company that is on a US Government Entity List.

Transitioning our supply chain to Foxlink will unlock the next era of Luminys as a leading provider of security and smart building solutions. Foxlink is a Taiwan-based, publicly traded company and a world leader in manufacturing with partnerships across top global brands. With over 34,000 employees worldwide and a market capitalization of $2 billion USD, Foxlink brings unparalleled expertise to a wide range of product offerings.

With Foxlink’s world-class product development and manufacturing capability, we will expand beyond security to launch a wide range of product lines, including:

●      Residential Technology: Smart Home, Healthy Living, Intercom Devices, and more, connected through Luminys’s smart cloud platform

●      Solar Renewable Energy Solutions: Level 1/2/3 Charging Stations, Smart Energy Storage, and more, connected through Luminys’s smart cloud platform

●      Off-Grid Solutions: Multi-use Trailer Equipment, Solar Stations, and more, managed remotely with Luminys software

●      Video and Access Control Systems: Enterprise Video Security and Access Control Products

At Luminys, we are dedicated to ensuring that our existing and future products continue to meet and exceed the highest standards of quality and innovation. As we continue on this journey, we remain committed to our mission to provide customers with cutting-edge solutions and best-in-class customer support. We are excited to continue working with dealers and distributors across the country as Luminys executes on our new vision in the weeks and months ahead.